Preservation Foundation

Preservation Foundation

Founded in 2007, The Chicago Club Preservation Foundation was established to preserve and memorialize The Club and its building. A 501(c) (3), nonprofit entity, the Preservation Foundation is entirely funded through the generous donations of Club members. Donations are invested, with distributions from the Foundation supporting vital building and infrastructure projects. Maintaining the red-granite exterior of the building, preserving the Daniel Burnham designed entry on Van Buren, or updating the sprinkler and fire safety systems are the types of projects which would benefit from the Preservation Foundation.

A gift to the Preservation Foundation safeguards the long-term care of our beautiful, historic Clubhouse, ensuring The Chicago Club’s continued position as the premier private club in Chicago. We ask you to consider making a tax-deductible gift to the Foundation. You may do so as an outright contribution now, or later through your will or trust. For information on how to make a donation, please contact Daniel Moriyama, via email at [email protected].

Preservation Foundation Slides